Why I Love The Decay

For those who haven’t watched TNA over the last two weeks a new team has debuted by the name of The Decay. The team consists of Crazzy Steve, Abyss and their zombie valet Rosemary, better known on the independent scene as Courtney Rush. Despite seeing very little of this team I absolutely love them. Why? Well there’s a number of reasons.

They Are Helping To Fill The Whole In TNA’s Tag Team Division

On the first episode of TNA on POP TV we had a whopping total of one tag team. One. It was The Wolves. They are an amazing tag team and a huge asset for TNA, however what use is a tag team with no opponents? Thankfully my prayers were answered on the very first episode when James Storm returned and Beer Money were reunited. This left the tag team division with an astounding total of two tag teams. Eric Young and Bram were thrown together for absolutely no reason and while I refuse to call them a tag team. There was still no official tag team…until now. TNA still needs a few more tag teams but at least there is now a base that they can work off. Quite a good one it has to be said. We can thank the formation of The Decay for that.

They Have Saved Two Careers

The formation of The Decay has saved two careers. Abyss has been lost since The Revolution split up. Technically he was a face but then he murdered Grado and murder is illegal so technically he became a heel. He became TNA’s Kane/Big Show and it just wasn’t working out for him. Crazzy Steve has been lost for a long time. Since the rest of The Menagerie left TNA unannounced he was sort of just….there. He has talent but nobody knew what to do with him and was dead in the water. This tag team has changed all that and it has given both men an opportunity.

Their Music

Besides the fact that I’m a huge Marilyn Manson fan, I love their music for one reason. It’s a legitimate song. How TNA could afford this I’ve absolutely no idea. Perhaps Billy Corgan is best mates with Manson. It’s a lot easier to take a wrestler seriously when they have a real song as their entrance music. Dean Ambrose’s song is pathetic. Roman Reigns is the same story, as well as Seth Rollins. Compare that to Bray Wyatt who has an amazing entrance.  Lyrics can seriously help a wrestler and I don’t expect a company like TNA to be able to afford licenses for every wrestler but it would look much better for the company and make themselves and the wrestlers appear more legitimate.

They Intrigue Me

This is the most important element of The Decay. They’re unpredictable. I actually can’t wait to watch TNA next week to see what’s next for this tag team. They’re unique. They’re talented. I mean, it’s an evil clown, a zombie and a monster who come out to Marilyn Manson, who wouldn’t be intrigued? I’m seriously hoping they get a push and maybe even a run as the champions. Beer Money and The Wolves are great, but there’s something about The Decay that just makes me want to see more.

So what do you think? Do you like The Decay? Let me know down in the comments or send us an email at prowrestlingauthority@gmail.com.


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